MIHRA Seminars in Myositis Diseases
Quarterly online scientific seminars on state of the art developments on pivotal topics in myositis related diseases. MIHRA Scientific Seminars are tailored for those with a dedicated interest in the care and research of myositis diseases. Seminars are open to the public and welcome patients and their loved ones in attendance. Panel discussions are geared…
MIHRA Journal Club
MIHRA Journal Club is a quarterly community event open to all MIHRA community members. Journal club is an opportunity for the community to examine, discuss and deepen knowledge of disease natural history, clinical trial design, pathogenesis, targeted therapeutic pathways and clinical care. Journal clubs are recorded & scheduling is variable to encourage inclusion across time…
MIHRA Global Case Conference
MIHRA Global Case Conference is a quarterly community event open to MIHRA community members. MIHRA Global Case Conference occurs: MIHRA Global Case Conference is an opportunity for the community to examine, discuss and deepen knowledge of disease natural history, clinical practice patterns, diagnosis, recognition of complications and improved clinical care. Global Case Conference events are…
MIHRA Write On!
MIHRA Write On! is a writing program for all stakeholders & career levels that supports community success in developing strong (but not punishing!) writing habits in rare and autoimmune diseases. MIHRA Write On! runs several days weekly & employs evidence-based practices to fortify skills & work/writing habits. Variable scheduling encourages inclusion across time zones. What…
MIHRA Patient Contact Registry
What is the MIHRA Patient Contact Registry (PCR)? A contact registry is a list or directory of people who can be contacted in the event something that might be of interest to them arises. A patient contact registry allows patients or their support partners (very close family or friends) to know when an opportunity to…
MIHRA Current Clinical Studies (CCS) Listings
Bridging patients with appropriate current studies is critical for rare disease research. The MIHRA Current Clinical Studies listing provides an easy to find easy to read listing of updated studies in IIM diseases. This resource also provides an overview of the IIM research landscape for researchers, hopefully encouraging collaboration.
MIHRA IIM Specialty Clinics (ISC) Directory
IIMs are rare and challenging to treat. MIHRA IIM Specialty Clinics is a program that helps build expertise in IIM through clinician community engagement and for patients and families to find IIM specialists.
MIHRA Myositis University
A patient voiced priority has been the need for high-level education in IIMs for their clinicians. MIHRA Myositis University provides cost-free cross-specialty, cross-disciplinary accredited education.
MIHRA Career Enhancement Core Programming (CEP)
MIHRA Career Enhancement Programming (CEP) ensures the future of quality patient care & development of innovative, effective therapies by attracting next generations of motivated clinicians & researchers in myositis diseases. MIHRA Foundation was founded by recognized mentors in myositis who are dedicated to creating welcoming, equitable, inclusive and connected community for new and earlier stage…