MIHRA Career Enhancement Core Programming (CEP)

a hand drawn winged horse is flying over land in a billowy sky

MIHRA Career Enhancement Programming (CEP) ensures the future of quality patient care & development of innovative, effective therapies by attracting next generations of motivated clinicians & researchers in myositis diseases.

MIHRA Foundation was founded by recognized mentors in myositis who are dedicated to creating welcoming, equitable, inclusive and connected community for new and earlier stage clinicians, researchers and other stakeholders.

Thus, MIHRA CEP was built to provide comprehensive, multidimensional career enhancement programming with diverse strategies tailored to individual interests, needs and strengths. MIHRA provides an infrastructure to maximize confidence and career potential for all clinicians & researchers at all career stages in myositis diseases – but with a special dedicated focus to those navigating early and mid career stages. MIHRA also provides a ground for less recognized but much needed specialty fields to consider collaborative research in myositis diseases – such as speech pathology (for swallowing), gastroenterology, cardiology, respiratory therapy, occupational therapy etc.

Since MIHRA Foundation incorporated as a 501c3 non-profit charitable research organization on 20 October 2023, the community has provided multi-faceted skill-building, community, educational, leadership & research opportunities for early and mid career clinical researchers.

These opportunities include:

  • Nine travel fellowships to the 2024 Global Conference on Myositis (GCOM) in Pittsburgh.
  • At least 5 travel fellowships for GCOM 2026 in Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Establishing several scientific working groups and research projects co-led by earlier career members.
  • MIHRA Clinical Trial Site Network (CTSN) providing a mentoring forum supported by a community of the world’s leading researchers in myositis. CTSN was incepted in 2017 to support new clinical trial sites and face challenges of clinical trial set-up and implementation in these rare diseases. Most recently MIHRA CTSN responded to early career voices regarding CAR-T Trial Challenges with a community forum that led to current in-roads to establish educational products for investigators & for patients as well as a rapid response to addressing concerns related to patient selection and trial design.
  • MIHRA Write-On! which introduces evidence-based concepts to support all career levels in building stronger writing/working practice habits and access writing support. The goals are to develop confidence and productivity in grant and manuscript writing to promote rare diseases. MIHRA Write On! is open to participants with an interest across rare disease and autoimmune diseases.
  • The quarterly MIHRA Myositis Journal Club.
  • The quarterly MIHRA Myositis Case Conference.